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MCDO joins other environmental practitioners at the GEF-CSO meeting in Kampala

Participants at the GEF-CSO meeting in Kampala

KAMPALA, 18th September, 2017 - On 12th September 2017, Mgahinga Community Development Organization (MCDO) participated in the national Global Environment Facility Civil Society Organizations (GEF-CSO) Network meeting that was held at Kampala Kolping Hotel. MCDO was represented by Program Officer, Godfrey Habumuremyi. The meeting was hosted by the RFP for East Africa, Environmental Management for Livelihood Improvement Bwaise Facility (EMLI) and the GEF-CSO Network Uganda Chapter supported by the Government of Uganda, GEF Small Grants Programme and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) under the CSO-Government Dialogue Project.

​The capacity building meeting was organized to update members on a number of GEF related matters aimed at building member capacity and also identify needs for further capacity development. Among other issues, members were informed that there is need to update the network membership and the minimum requirements for updating membership are; an annual report and an audited report. 

In recommendation, members found a need for GEF-CSO government Dialogue project to facilitate exchange visits and experience sharing amongst GEF members to enhance capacity on how to implement successful GEF projects.

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