Mgahinga Community Development Organization (MCDO) has today donated COVID-19 relief items worth 6.5 million shillings to over 300 vulnerable households in Muramba and Nyakinama sub-countries in the Kisoro district. MCDO distributed 1.59 tones of maize flour, 35 bars of soap, and 339 face masks made by the Seasons for Women Project.
The village local council leaders selected the beneficiaries, who are the most vulnerable families affected by Covid-19 around Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. In Muramba sub-country, MCDO distributed the relief items to the villages of Chana, Gishondori, Kanombe, and Nyakagekenke. The Batwa families of Nyakagenke have also received the relief items as well as the Mutanda Eco Community Centre handicrafts group in Nyakinama sub-county.
The relief items were flagged off at the Kisoro district headquarters by the deputy Resident District Commissioner Mr. Niwagaba Moses. Mr. Niwagaba, on behalf of Kisoro district COVID-19 task force, commended MCDO for the generous offer and for the excellent work done to improve the livelihood of the communities living adjacent to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and the district at large.
We are very grateful to all our partners, supporters, and those who made donations to our GoFundMe fundraiser. We are also thankful to the Kisoro district local government COVID-19 Response Task Force and the Kisoro Red Cross society for their supervision in ensuring that the Ministry of Health Covid-19 guidelines were adhered to during the distribution process.
We still have several families that need support. Please consider donating to our COVID-19 fundraiser on GoFundMe.