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Ways you can support the Mgahinga Community (MCDO)

MCDO is a Uganda based organisation, dependent on private donations, corporate sponsorship and volunteer involvement. The small MCDO management team in Uganda are supported by a UK volunteer group and Swedish organisation MbiriMbiri Foundation (MMF), working together to help the community of Mgahinga to become independent and self-sustaining.


Get involved! There are several ways of supporting MCDO, through personal donation, corporate sponsorship or by volunteering in Uganda.

MDCO offers a limited number of self-funded volunteer posts to enthusiastic people with an interest in conservation and development in Africa. We are looking for volunteers of any age and background, who can passionately contribute to the project with their own unique skills and abilities. Whether you are a zoology student or graduate, have an interest in wildlife, enjoy the outdoors or just fancy a life-changing experience supporting local community projects in Africa, we want to hear from you!


There are many exciting opportunities for individuals or companies wishing to support the initiatives of the MCDO.


You can give a financial contribution to MCDO via this link or take some time and volunteer at one of MCDO projects in Kisoro. We need volunteers with different skills and backgrounds. Our past volunteers have taught English lessons at a community kindergarten, worked at  a local clinic and taught computer skills at a local secondary school. The most important asset that we seek from our volunteers is the passion and commitment to achieving the goals of the Mgahinga Community Development Organisation (MCDO).


Check our volunteer opportunities available and please let us know if you are interest in working with us. Or send us an email for more information.


To promote environmental conservation and improve livelihoods in the Bwindi-Mgahinga conservation area in Uganda.

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​Address: P.O. Box 280, Kisoro, Uganda
Tel/WhatsApp: ​+256787085086




© 2022 Mgahinga Community Development Organization. All Rights Reserved.

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